ANTI SCAVENGING: 1/4 of muzzle usage is to prevent food scavenging, eating rocks or coprophagia. This muzzle is specially designed with an additional guard insert to PREVENT SCAVENGING of FOOD and WILDLIFE.
SUITABLE FOR ALL MUZZLE USAGE: This muzzle can be used in stressful situations, visiting vets and groomers, or new situations such as travelling on public transport or meeting new people.
RECOMMENDED FOR DAILY USE: The Baskerville Classic Basket Muzzle features a HUMANE DESIGN that permits dogs to PANT and HYDRATE. IDEAL FOR DAILY STROLLS and extended wear, with proper fitting.
ENHANCED MATERIAL FOR IMPROVED COMFORT AND STRENGTH: Created using enhanced material, 4x stronger than plastic muzzles. The Classic Basket Muzzle is SAFE TO PREVENT BITES. Comes with a secure and easy-use NECK STRAP CLIP attachment.
SUITABLE TO RETRAIN REACTIVE DOGS: You can TRAIN and REWARD TREAT your dog if they are reactive around other dogs or new people. Remove the additional guard for the most positive training experience.